Steampunk is a genre that appeals to a wide variety of folks from different ages, genders, and backgrounds. Attending a Steampunk convention will pretty much guarantee the attendee an eyeful of equal amounts of amazingly-dressed men and women, views of 2-3 generations of families attending, and a heavy focus on DIY, history merging with fantasy through all of the arts, and discussions about social issues and building a better future.
But while we see male personalities and makers of all shapes and sizes being celebrated, there seems to be a much more narrower lens for the ladies, and that causes me concern. I want to see the amazing women of this subculture ALL featured, regardless of age, size, or background. If Steampunk is "The Future of a Past That Never Was" then I want to make sure the younger ladies of the movement have a diverse amount of positive, realistic role models to look up to - and there is no shortage of them! And I don't want to make this about who's "doing it wrong" - but instead, let's focus on making it better for everyone.
I already have over a dozen ladies on my list I would like to interview and feature. I will be creating google forms shortly on submitting women to feature (whether it's yourself or someone you're a fan of) and I would also love to hear from folks who would like to help with the interview process and contribute to this blog.
If you're interested in contributing, please drop us a line at SteamWomenBlog(at)gmail.com